ICSE15 - A Genetic Algorithm for Detecting Significant Floating-Point Inaccuracies

Experiment Data

RQ1: Effectiveness of Inaccuracy Detection:

ICSE15_float_result_2sheets.xlsx - This file contains 2 sheets.
Sheet 1 is the parameter information of 157 GSL functions.
Sheet 2 contains the maximum relative errors detected by LSGA, STD and RAND, and the comparison between these 3 methods.

RQ2: Ability to Identify Potential Problems:

ICSE15_float_abs_error.xlsx - This file contains the potential problems identified by LSGA, STD and RAND.
Potential problems: The relative error is larger than 0.1% and the reported absolute error is larger than estimated absolute error by GSL.

Thank you.

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